October 19, 2012

Asher's Arrival...

Tuesday (10-16-2012) Jacob and I welcomed our little bundle of joy into the world. Asher Jude was born at 1:39p.m. weighing 6lbs 15oz and was 19in long! Oh! and perfectly healthy! I think I had probably one of the fastest L&D's ever and everything went great! Earlier that morning I woke up with some light cramping and just tried to lay back down and rest. Jacob was up getting ready for work... and not thinking I was in labor... I told him to go ahead and go. I wanted to make sure if I was in labor it was good active labor before I headed to the hospital. About 15 minutes after Jacob left my water broke and the contractions started! They were about 5 minutes apart so I quickly managed to gather our things while I waited on Jacob. As soon as Jacob got back we headed to the hospital... the contractions were about 3 minutes apart on the way there. We checked into Labor and Delivery and the nurse said my water was completely broke and I was dilated to a 6!! At that point the contractions were HORRID and about 2 minutes apart. I couldn't talk or much less breath! The anesthesiologist came in and gave me my epidural and I was so glad I decided to get one... I don't think my body could have managed to naturally have a baby without it... I made it from a 6 to a 10 in no time and before I knew it, it was time to push! After about 10 good pushes our baby boy was here. I don't think I have ever felt so much joy in my life. The feeling knowing he was finally here and that he was "ours" was absolutely incredible! God couldn't have given us a more perfect baby!...  

We headed home Thursday afternoon and things have been going very well since! We are on cloud 9! Im writing this post in between a feeding so I apologize if its a little messy... 
I will be back later on with more pictures and updates on the little one! 
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Go CARDS!!! 


  1. Congratulations Emily and Jacob and welcome to the world, Asher! So glad to hear about a quick delivery, that is awesome! Love all the pictures, he is perfect.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! He's so perfect! I hope that My L&D goes as smoothly as yours did! =D Looking at your blog and instagram makes me so excited for our baby boy's arrival!

