After I had Asher, I learned a few things about the products I purchased and what I wish I would have purchased... With that being said I thought it would be fun to share a little post with you on the products that I bought vs. what I wish I would have bought.. I hope you enjoy this post and find it helpful!

1. Fisher Price Swing + Bouncer vs. 4moms Mamaroo
As much as I loved both of these Fisher Price products, the Mamaroo would have been a little more convenient. It's pretty much like a 2 in 1 and would have taken up less space. It also has a few more options than the swing/bouncer and a cleaner, more modern, look.
2. Bulb Syringe vs. Nosefrida
With all the mold issues bulb syringes bring, the Nosefrida was a must. I ended up buying one of these down the road and am so pleased. Works 1000 times better and is easier to clean.
3. Basic Baby Shoes vs. Freshly Picked Moccasins
Don't even waste your money on basic baby shoes... Nothing can compare to a pair of FP moccs. Yes they are a little more price wise, but I cannot stress how awesome and great these shoes are. Anyone I know who has purchased them, has nothing but great things to say about them. I bought Asher's first pair when he was a wee little babe and he has worn many pairs since then.
4. Basic Facing Stroller vs. Parent Facing Stroller
I love the stroller I have (basic facing), but wish I would have invested in one with more facing options including the parent facing option. I also wish I would have invested in a stroller with a little more add on options for later down the road.. If we ever have another one, I will have to upgrade our stroller.
5. Basic Baby Carrier vs. Ergo Baby Carrier
If you are wanting to invest in a great baby carrier, the Ergo is the one to buy. You have a few carrying options, it's so much better on YOU, and it's a nice lightweight fabric. Basic baby carriers are a joke... Yes, the Ergo is a little more, but it will be the only carrier you buy and LASTS!
6. Space Saver Highchair vs. High End Highchair
A highchair will be another thing you use for a long time with your little. Invest in one that you like, looks great in your home, and grows with your child. I found the Space Saver to be more of a pain and terrible to clean. I wish I would have really thought about a highchair and invested in a decent one like this one!
What were some items you wish you would have purchased?

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