November 1, 2013

Wee Can Too Art Supply...

Wee Can Too Art Supply is an art supply company created by two mamas that wanted to provide the best and safest art products for babies and children. that makes specializes in art supplies made from fruit and veggies powders and plant based ingredients... Their products are super baby friendly, kid friendly, and fun! 

Wee Can Too Art Supply recently sent me a few of their products to review and test out with Asher. Since Asher likes to put everything in his mouth I decided to try out the Veggie Baby Tempera Paint and Veggie Crayons with him. 
The Baby Veggie Tempera Paint is edible, gluten free, and dairy cool!.... And so easy to use! .. I simply mixed a small amount of water into the paint and let Asher have at it... and of course it went straight to his mouth shortly after it hit the paper. I used one of the colors and since then we have painted with a few other ones... I love that it is safe for his little mouth and so fun for him to use! The paint also smells really good and super easy to clean off of him when finished.

Next we tried out the Veggie Baby Crayons and of course were blown away! They too smell wonderful and are so fun for Asher to use! The are thick which makes them perfect for tiny baby hands. The wax is made from an organic soy wax so safe for the mouth as well! Asher hasn't quite gotten the concept of crayons just yet, but he does try! And of course he was more interested in seeing what they tasted like! :)

The other two products that we received are the Baby Finger Paint and the Veggie Sidewalk Chalk... We have also used the Veggie Baby Finger Paint and love it! I will try the sidewalk chalk out on Asher gets a little older... but I already know he is going to love it!

If you haven't tried Wee Can Too Art Supply products yet I highly recommend that you do! We are so pleased with the quality of the product! It's so reliving to know that art time with Asher can be safe and worry free! A HUGE thank you to Wee Can Too Art Supply for sending us their AMAZING products!!!

You can visit Wee Can Too Art Supply's website >HERE<
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Twitter @weecantoo
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