November 5, 2014


Over the weekend I shared a photo of my handmade hand makin' and since so many of you asked for the recipes I thought I would share them today. I swear I'm not turning into that person but I've seriously come to the conclusion that most store bought household products / beauty products are not effective and full of awful chemicals. And this method is INEXPENSIVE! I love saving my pennies and I was about to go broke buying cascade so here's my new solution... I hope you enjoy these as much as I do...

DIY DEODORANT - Let me say that my pits have been a problem area since I had Asher... TMI... I know but seriously I don't know if it is hormones or what but store bought deodorant just didn't do it for me anymore. After a little research I started using Lush's deodorant, which I loved but at $9 it was just a little pricey for me. I improvised and made my own. Its easier to use and VERY effective! 

1/4c. baking soda
1/4c. arrow root or cornstarch (you can just use more baking soda)
5-6 T. coconut oil 
8-10 drops essential oil (optional) (I used tea tree)

Mix together and place is a small dish. Let harden, pop out, and store in an air tight container. (this will keep it from drying out) This deodorant is a little messy to use but SO worth it! I swear you will never use anything else EVER again! 

DIY DISHWASHING POWDER - Cleans dishes like a pro!

1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
½ cup citric acid (I found this next to the jello in my grocery store)
½ cup kosher salt (for scrubbing action)

Mix together and store in an air tight container or mason jar. Use 1-2 T. per load depending on the size of your load. Also if you want to make a large batch just double your recipe!

DIY LEAVE IN CONDITIONER - This is a great solution for a leave in conditioner. It really does detangle hair but you do have to be careful of how much you spray or you will be a total grease ball. I use this every time after I get out of the shower. 

Depending on the size of spray bottle you use you will want to do 1/2 & 1/2.
1 part coconut oil
1 part warm water 

Add, mix, and use! 

I hope you all love these as much as I do! Be sure to check out my DIY All Purpose Cleaner as well! It works like a charm! 

I will be sharing more recipes soon! Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM.

Happy Homemaking!


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