March 17, 2014

DIY Compass Banner...

I've been searching high and low for little pieces to add to Asher's gallery wall in his room. Since he has a large map over his crib, I wanted some sort of compass art in his room to correspond to the map piece. After browsing around and not having much luck, I decided to create something of my own. I was first inspired by this banner from Smile and Wave.. I ended up making mine little larger and added some compass inspired art to it. These felt banners are super easy to make and you could add any art/design to them!

Here's the How To:

What you will need:
1. 12x9in piece of felt (this will be the main part of your banner)
2. Yarn
3. Paper Letters for tracing (I used the font "Indy Pimp" size 170)
4. Scissors
5. 8x8 Felt for letters 
6. Wooden Dowel 
7. Hot Glue Gun (Not pictured) 
8. Pins (Not pictured)

1. Cut out your letters // You can either trace your letters or pin and cut around them. Since I am using white, I found it easier to just pin instead of marking on the white felt. Cut out each letter and arrow. I kind of winged my arrows... I cut out two thin lines and two small triangles. 
2. Take your 12x9 felt and cut it into your banner shape. I found it easiest to fold in bottom ends in and cut (if that makes sense). Also pin the top portion of your banner down to make a casing. This will be where the wooden dowel rod goes. 
3. Place your letters and arrows on the banner. Center them and adjust to your liking. 
4. Using your hot glue gun, carefully glue the letters and arrows down. Also glue the top felt casing where the down rod will go. 
5. Lastly slide your wooden dowel rod through. You may have to trim your rod if it is not to your desired size. Next attach your yarn and tie to the ends of the dowel rod. I added some cute little tassels to spice the banner up as well. 
Asher's gallery wall is still a work in progress.. I will be sharing his room tour soon. I've been saying that for awhile now, but I want everything to be perfect before I do! 
How cute is that "Mom Dad" print from Skoope Home

I hope you all enjoyed this easy little DIY. I love seeing all of your DIY projects! If you made something from one of my DIY posts, I would love to see it! Shoot me an email or Instagram me!